Initial Early Access (v0.4.0)

Version 0.4.0 has arrived! The server has been moved to version 0.4.x, meaning client versions v0.3.0, v0.3.1 and v0.3.2 are no longer compatible. Below is a Change Log and basic Compatibility Information for the v0.4 branch.


Compatibility Information:

Dedicated Server: The server is compatible with the latest version (v0.4.0) and any future 0.4.x releases. v0.3.2 and earlier are no longer compatible.

Servers Hosted by Players: For players on different networks, servers  still require port-forwarding. Servers hosted by players are compatible in the same way as the Dedicated Server.


v0.4.x Change Log:


+ = new feature
- = removed feature
/ = game change
* = bug fix
x = planned feature (for later versions, i.e. v0.5.x onwards)

+ 6-tier ranking system
+ 6 unique rank badges
+ Match scoring/awards system
* Card #14 (Sorsa) no longer consumes power and uses turn when requirements not met
* Fixed visual bug in which the HP of both players, and the active player's Happiness and Power wasn't updated after 'speed' cards were played, and remained unchanged until the end of the move.
* You can no longer play 'speed' cards more than once per turn
x Initial, common deck and card unlock system to allow player progression, granting newer players fairer, easier matches
x Currency system to tie in with the immediately above
x Matchmaking system to ensure fairer, funner matches
x Multithreaded server to allow multiple matches simultaneously
x Parties, to allow users to challenge and play against other, specific players
x Team-Mode, to allow 2v2 (and maybe 4v4) matches
x Expanded deck
x Time limit on player's moves to prevent AFK-ing
x DC penalty, and built-in server recovery (so that DC-s don't break the server and the game)
x Card Referencing and Debug process, to ensure every card acts how it should and functions correctly
x End-of-game detection and returning of players to menu-post game (after an end-game summary screen)

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